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Monday, June 26, 2017

Trouble in NASA as ODM Candidate Refuses to Step Down for Wetangula

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) candidate in Bungoma Senatorial seat Boniface Nyongesa has maintained that he will not be shelving his ambitions in favor of incumbent Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula.

Raila Odinga, in his tour to Bungoma County on Friday, directed the ODM candidates in Bungoma County to step down in favor Ford-Kenya candidates.
Speaking during a press briefing, the ODM leaders said that they will not heed to the calls by their party leader to step down for Ford Kenya candidates, arguing that voters should be allowed to decide on the ballot.

“We have held a meeting and agreed that none of us will step down for Ford Kenya... I cannot step down since the Bungoma people have said that they want me. My name will be on the ballot and people will vote for me," Boniface Nyongesa vowed.

Nyongesa accused Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula, who is a NASA principal of attempting to destroy ODM candidates, and was fighting them more then he was doing to Jubilee candidates.
Raila snubbed Nyongesa, an ODM candidate and endorsed Wetangula who will be defending his seat on a Ford Kenya ticket.

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