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Friday, June 3, 2016

Are You A Graduate, Looking For Job? Here Are Tips On How To Respond to Interview Questions.

Imagine you just graduated and have managed to fill out applications, send tons of CVs to companies and finally you got the response you have been looking for. You have been invited for a job interview.
Being a first ever interview, the feeling of nervousness and the thought of being interrogated can get the better part of you. This is because you don’t have much experience about how to conduct yourself in an interview. If you are in such a situation, don’t panic because we have a list of sample interview questions and answers for fresh graduates in Kenya
1.      Describe Situations Where You Have Used Your Leadership Skills

When asking this question, the interview wants to know whether you have leadership potential. In a recent survey on what employers look for in graduates, 64.3% of the employers considered leadership experience in determining the best candidates. This is because such graduates are found to be outspoken, team players, flexible as well as those who take initiative.
A good example would be in the lines of;
“My group members selected me as group leader for our final year project and I was able to delegate tasks and motivate group members. We received an “A” for our presentation.”
2.      If I Were To Ask Your Professors To Describe You In Three Words, What Would They Be?

For instance, if it is for a Management Trainee Job, a good example can be this one
“My sociology professor and academic advisor recently nominated me to be the student representative to the sociology department. She cited my leadership ability and verbal skills as reasons for her nomination,”
3.      Did You Prefer Working Independently Or In Groups On School Projects?

When an interviewer pops this question, he or she wants to know if you’re a team player or would rather work on your own. This is a tricky question to test your personality because at the work place, there will instances where you will need to work alone and sometimes you may need to work as a team. Let the interviewer know that you are a good team player.
A good answer would be something like;
“I am a team player. I know that being cooperative, open minded, and focused are important aspects to being a successful team member. I feel more motivated when I work with a group,”
4.      What Salary Are You Expecting?

Salary questions are very tricky and can be worse especially if you are just fresh in the job market with no experience.
The other best way to not lock yourself out of the job offer is to express interest in the job more than the salary.
You can say something like;
“Salary is important but work is most important, and at this level i am more interested in developing my skills for the betterment of the organization after which the compensation will follow.”


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