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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bukusu Elders Warns NASA, Jubilee to Stop Attacking Chebukati & Chiloba

Bukusu elders in Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties have warned politicians against attacking IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati and CEO Ezra Chiloba. The elders under Bukusu Alternative Leadership asked NASA and Jubilee politicians to stop intimidating the electoral agency leaders.

Chairman Isaack Misiko and secretary Johnstone Webeka told journalists in Bungoma town on Tuesday that they are not pleased with the attacks. "As Bukusu elders, we are annoyed with the way both Jubilee and NASA leaders are insulting our sons," Misiko said. "IEBC is an independent body whose top officials should not be intimidated to tow the line for the benefit of others."
Webeka said it is only a matter of time before community members protest against attacks meted on Chebukati by the political class. "The two have been intimidated and undermined by the political class. Let them do their work. No amount of intimidation and insults will make our sons bow to pressure."

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