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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Signs Your Guy Is Losing Interest in You And Start Developing "Mafisi" Character.

Every relationship has that honeymoon period. It can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Once the intense cuteness has faded, usually things have settled to the point you are comfortable and secure with one another. This does not mean your man has gone off of you; it's just another stage in your relationship. Now lets have a look at 10 Top signs that he is loosing interest in you...
 1. He only wants to hang out in groups
Yeah, this is never a good sign. When he trades intimate alone time with you for group hangouts or a guy's night out, it is a clear sign he is looking at other options. His goal is to find his place in the world again, so when he leaves you he has friends (and maybe a girlfriend) to move on with.

2. He stops touching you
If you always hold hands when you go out, or if he always has his hand on your back when walking down the sidewalk...and those small but intimate touches abruptly stop, he is pulling away.

3. Talking becomes a chore
If your man is pulling away, deep conversations are traded in for an annoyingly large amount of small talk with a few one word answers sprinkled in. Talking with your partner should be fun and effortless, so if it becomes grudging and awkward, that is a sign you are losing him.

4. You are not his first, second or third priority
If he loves you, then he will make time for you. Maybe he has one or two things that come before you, but any more than that means he doesn't deserve you. You should be his top priority and he should make you feel that way. If he is putting friends and unimportant hobbies before you, it's a clear sign he is moving on.

5. His plans become vague
If he stops making plans for the future or becomes unsure about his Friday nights, he is probably keeping his schedule free for someone or something else.

6. He stops trying
He doesn't dress up to see you anymore, he doesn't surprise you at work with flowers and he never texts you just because. He is there, but he isn't really there because he has stopped putting any effort into caring when it comes to you. When he's given up, it's time for you to do the same.

7. The friendship talk begins
If he tells you how good of a friend you are, or if he introduces you to others as his friend that is his not so subtle way of telling you he just wants to be friends.

8. He becomes very protective of his cell phone
He shouldn't care if you know the pass code to get into his phone or if you read a text over his shoulder. So when he becomes overly protective of his phone it's a dead giveaway he's hiding something from you.

 9. He needs a break
This one is pretty obvious, but all too often when a guy tells us he wants to take a break just to figure things out, we stick around. We let him have his freedom while we wait until he gets bored and comes back to us. If he says he wants to take a break, but doesn't officially break it off, that is your cue to let him go and move on with your life.

10. He hurts you
The man who loves you should never purposely hurt you. If you end up crying more often than not when you are together, then he is probably trying to push you away to save himself the trouble of actually having to break up with you. Don't stand for this kind of manipulation.

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