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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Coastal Based Kenyan Songstress Nyota Ndogo Reveals How She Built Her Business Empire

Coast based artiste Nyota Ndogo narrates how she built her investments from zero to the various businesses and properties she now owns.

“I used all the money I had in the bank to buy my first piece of land. At the time, I was pregnant with my second child and I had my son to feed as well. But I did not panic, I knew I would get shows that would bring in money,” Nyota told The Star’s Word Is.
 The shows did come. They came in plenty to a point where she would book two shows in a day. During her 7 months pregnancy period, she was still hitting the road hard. Unfortunately, she had an accident while shuffling between events. This scared her into realizing she needed to take it slow.
“I had the motivation to do as many shows as I could so that I could ensure I had enough money to feed and clothe my children. But after that accident, I had to slow down. However, I also used the money raised from the shows to build my first house, bit by bit, till it was complete.”
The Subira Yangu star now owns another piece of land where she plans to build rental houses. And is the proud owner of several tuk-tuks that are used as public service vehicles in Voi.
 Nyota advises any upcoming artiste to ensure that they have a means of supplementing their income to avoid wasting away when the music business doesn’t bring in the the bacon anymore.

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