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Thursday, May 11, 2017

MUST READ: GUYS, 5 Simple ways to win a woman immediately, especially when you do number 3 and 5

Asking out a girl is not as easy as you think especially when it comes to dealings with City girls,although most guys are nurturing the ideas that City girls are "cheap" and easy to be screwed once you have the money. No matter how hard a girl seems to be, the right guy can still get into her heart because girls naturally are fragile in heart as so, they need to be followed up slowly, especially when you are nursing the idea of starting a relationship with them.

1. Write a nice letter.
You don’t have to explicitly write “I love you” in the note, but you can outline the things you admire about the other person. A lot of people prefer to write down their feelings because it allows you time to revise your words so that they’re just right. If possible, write your feelings down with a pen and paper instead of on a computer. Your unique handwriting adds a personal touch to the letter, and he or she might like to have a physical object that represents your feelings. Before you start, write a small brainstorm of all the things you like or admire about him or her. Note close experiences you’ve shared, or things that remind you of the other person. Grab a good sheet of paper. If you don’t have stationary lying around, use copy paper – it will look neater than note paper.

2. Make eye contact.
Whenever you can, meet the other person’s eyes. Don’t stare after him or her constantly, but do allow yourself to be caught looking at his or her face once in a while. When you’ve been detected, smile a little bit and hold the gaze for another second before looking away.

3. Show your feelings through your actions.
Non-verbal cues can count for a lot, and allow someone to see how you feel without putting yourself out there too much. Here are some possibilities: Smile. The best thing you can do is also the easiest throw your loved one a sincere smile whenever you can. Whenever you do, try to hold his or her eyes for slightly longer than a second. Make your body language seem receptive. A side effect of being nervous around this person might be that your body language seems closed off or unapproachable. Try to reverse this by keeping your arms unfolded, and your arms loose at your sides or clasped behind your back. Turn your body toward the other person when you’re talking to them, including your feet. Incline your head toward them when you make eye contact. Don’t worry about blushing. You can’t control when you blush anyway, but if you find yourself doing it around him or her, just go with it. In a way, a blush is a useful signal to the other person letting them know how you feel – so let it do its work! Wink. If you can manage it, try to throw him or her a sly wink every now and then. Don’t do it too often –no more than once every few days.

4. Try a few LIGHT physical touches.
Initiating physical contact with someone lets him or her know you want more closeness. Start small, by walking or sitting near the other person. If that goes well, try touching his or her arm lightly during a conversation. Other possibilities after that include putting an arm around the other person’s shoulders, playfully “bumping” into him or her with the side of your hip, and playing footsie.

5. Do small favors without a word.
Sometimes, the best favor is one you don’t have to even ask for. If you know for sure that he or she needs something done or would appreciate a certain gesture, just do it. When the other person discovers your deed, just smile. If you have to make a comment, say “I wanted to help you” or “You’re welcome.” Don’t make it into a big discussion – let the action stand alone and communicate how much you care.

6. Be Romantic.
Girls like romantic guys, so be romantic with your words. Don’t forget to tell her how beautiful she is and how happy you are. Be Romantic doesn't mean buying her most expensive things in the world like Cars or airplane. NO, you just need to present small things in a romantic way, and sooth her romantically.

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