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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

MEDIA SILENCE: ISIS Declares To Muslims In New Video To ‘Hunt Down, Terrorize, And Slaughter All The Christians Of Egypt.

Christianity is under attack in Muslim nations in ways not see for centuries. It is nothing short of a genocide as Islamic groups such as ISIS with complicit governments allow these people to commit heinous violence against the Christians without limit, and all the while the Muslims brag about it.

In a recent story coming out of Egypt, ISIS has encouraged Muslims in a new video to commit genocide against the Christians, vowing to terrorize, hunt down, and destroy every last one of them:In a newly released 20-minute video, ISIS’ media wing in Egypt encouraged fellow jihadists to terrorize and kill Christians across the country.

Around 10% of Egypt’s population identify as Christians and most adhere to the Coptic Orthodox branch of Christianity. The minority is frequently targeted by terror attacks from either ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood.
Generally, the Copts tend to support the Egyptian Army which has yet to halt the continuous Islamic State raids.

Courtesy of Jews news.

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