Thumb sucking is a behavior found in humans, chimpanzees, captive ring-tailed lemurs, and other primates. It usually involves placing the thumb into the mouth and rhythmically repeating sucking contact for a prolonged duration. Thumb sucking is yet another controversial topic among parents. It's either seen as a natural part of childhood or a nasty habit. Finger sucking can leave lots of parents scratching their heads, wondering what to do. Find Out!!!
On one hand, a baby who sucks his finger can more
readily soothe himself and may fall asleep more easily - letting you get more
sleep. On the other hand, a child who continues to suck on his finger when he
is seven-, eight- or nine-years-old may not only have related speech and dental
problems but could also suffer socially because of the stigma surrounding
finger sucking.
What's a parent to do?
While it can cause problems, thumb sucking is a normal part
of childhood. In fact, many ultrasounds show babies sucking their
fingers well before they are born. The urge to suck is a natural survival
instinct and most children stop the habit on their own between the ages of two
and four. Usually, there are no serious side effects but there is a small
percentage of children who suck their finger well past the age of five - that's
when the risk of dental problems increases.
At that point, the habit can start to have a
negative impact on the child's physical and emotional health:
When thumb-sucking gets in the way
Some children have such a vigorous sucking motion it
can damage
the fingernail, resulting in malformation and sometimes, chronic infection. Children who
suck their fingers past the age of five (when permanent teeth begin appear) can
cause problems to their teeth and palate. Orthodontia might be needed later on
to correct the damage.
development and social stigma
It's hard for a child to learn to pronounce words
correctly with a finger in their mouth. Children who spend a lot of time sucking
their fingers may also delay speaking altogether, or develop a speech
impediment. Speech problems can be corrected but it can be difficult.
On a social note, elementary-aged children may
become the target of teasing or bullying because of their habit. While social
stigma may create enough motivation for the child to stop sucking their finger,
damage has already been done to their confidence and self-esteem.
Before you panic that your little finger sucker is
on the road for future problems, it's important to remember that most of these
issues develop when children continue to suck their finger past the age of
five. If your older child continues to suck their finger, usually only vigorous
sucking (or sucking so hard a callous develops on the finger) suffer from
serious physical side effects.
But here's where parents can find some solace -
thumb sucking isn't all bad.
to self-soothe
Imagine if there was a magic button (or thumb) you
could push whenever your baby needed comforting. Self-soothing is an important
step in children becoming independent and developing good sleeping
habits. Sucking on a finger can be an easy way for many children to
calm themselves during the day or when they wake up at night. This habit can
help your baby become more independent, while giving you some extra sleep.
sucking and allergies
A recent study
found that children who suck their fingers or bite their nails are less likely
to have positive results on an allergy test. The theory is that finger sucking
exposes children to more microbes, helping to promote the healthy development
of the immune system, which helps to prevent the development of allergies. The
results are not conclusive but do support the general idea
that less exposure to microbes has led to an increase in childhood allergies.
If your baby starts sucking his finger within days
of birth, there is no need to panic. It's normal, it's healthy and it may help
you get some more sleep. Most children gradually leave the habit behind on
their own. But with time and effort, those who continue to suck their thumb
past the recommended age can find other self-soothing methods and leave the
habit behind.
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