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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

5 Tips To avoid A Side stitch When Working Out

You’re at the peak of doing aerobics or running and just when you’re beginning to feel proud of your efforts, the nasty side stitch appears. A side stitch can be a huge bummer when working out, trust me I know. It’s pain that you cannot manage to ignore and when you have no idea how to deal with it, you most likely will not achieve the set goal for your work out.
Here are 5 tips to avoid a side stitch on how to deal when it appears:
1. Watch what you eat pre-workout
There are many theories as to why stitches occur, and one of them factors in what and when you eat pre-run. Foods that are higher in fat and fiber take longer to digest. That doesn’t mean they are bad foods, but if you eat them within one to two hours before a run, they can cause havoc—creating stomach upset, stitches, and other problems.

2. Warm Up
We often ignore warming up but turns out it’s a pretty crucial part of working out. Going full speed immediately you start is a recipe for side aches. It’s best to gradually warm up before exercising. A few minutes spent warming up will help to loosen tight muscles, which may contract and cause cramps.

3. Take a Deep Breath
Most athletes seem to follow a two-to-one stride-breathing pattern. This means that they take one full breath for every two full strides. Deep breathing from the stomach will allow you to take in more air, and ensure that the muscles in your side and chest are receiving the amount of oxygen they need to work properly.

4. Drink wisely
Sugary, carbonated drinks have been shown to contribute to side stitches so it’s best to stick to water. Be sure not to take too much though. Don’t guzzle down a bucketful of liquid pre-workout; pace yourself and drink only 8 to 12 ounces of fluid 30 minutes before getting started.

5. Strengthen your core
You really have to do ab exercises. Studies show that strengthening the core muscles can help reduce stitch incidences.

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