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Sunday, November 6, 2016

15 Gym Sins Everyone's Guilty Of

None is perfect in the Universe, we tend to be forgetful of the very things that matters in our life. On the matters of gym, some of us commit some offenses without noticing, which we become guilty of. Find out those Sins.

1. Checked Someone Out

There's no shame in admiring someone's physique. Just don't be creepy about it.

2. Checked Yourself Out In the Gym Mirror

Is it just us, or are gym mirrors the absolute best for taking selfies?

3. Not Wiped Down The Machine

Everyone's a little forgetful sometimes. The person after you should be wiping down machines before they use them, anyway.

4. Gotten Super Distracted Watching TV

When there's something good on TV, it's easy to get distracted and stop working out all together.

5. Given Your Absolute Minimum

Your trainer might be yelling for you to give 110 percent, but all you've got in you today is about 35 percent.

6. Peeked at Your Neighbor's Treadmill

It's nothing weird, you just want to make sure they're not doing better than you.

7. And Turned It Into a Competition

Hey, what's a little friendly competition between friends? Or strangers?

8. Crop Dusted the Gym

Gas happens to everyone, everywhere. When you're at the gym, it's best to be discreet about it.

9. Chatting In the Stretching Area

Just because an area is labeled, that doesn't mean that you have to use it for its exact purpose.

10. Used the Stretching Area to Catch Up On Social Media

While you're working out at the gym, it's nice to see what others are doing. Probably not anything as productive as you.

11.Taken a Heavier Weight than the Person Next to You

There's no shame in trying to outdo your neighbor. There is, however, a good chance of injuring yourself.

12. Take Longer When Someone's Waiting on Your Machine

Who likes to feel rushed? No one, that's who! The impatient person behind you will just have to wait.

13. Pretended You're Tired From Work to Avoid a Workout

Skipping a workout sounds good after a long day at work, regardless if you're actually tired or just want to get home and watch Netflix.

14. Totally Judging the Person Working Out Next to You

Working out might not be a competition, but that doesn't mean that you can't treat it like one. Whether it's their form or their entire workout, some people at the gym just don't have it together like you

15. Taken the Perfect Post-Workout Selfie

It's hard to find the perfect balance between a healthy glow and just sweating like a pig. It's all in the angle.

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