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Friday, May 27, 2016


Prison warders pursuing an escaping inmate in migori town on friday accidentally shot and critically injured a secondary school student sparking protests from residents.
the stray bullet, from a warder’s g3 assault rifle, hit the form two student from ulanda high school, who was watching the lake region handball games at migori boys secondary school, on the head.
the fleeing inmate had strayed into the school’s compound with the warders hot on his pursuit.
the bullet, according to medics at the st joseph’s ombo catholic hospital, where she was rushed to, bolted out one of the student’s eyes.
witnesses told the daily nation that scores of other students who were watching the ball games suffered shock from the more than ten shots fired by the warders.

trigger happy
the incident sparked protests from residents who have now demanded a complete overhaul of the region’s prisons department, accusing them of being trigger happy.
they marched to the county police headquarters where they were addressed by the county commander david kirui.
the incident disrupted the ball games after students joined the residents in the protests.
mr kirui said the concerned officers will be arrested and prosecuted in court.
“the prison warders have become a serious let down…why fire bullets into students when chasing a prisoner?” he posed.
he went on: “we have already launched high –level investigations into the conduct of prison warders working here. am particularly disappointed by their conduct.”
one of the odm activists mr valentine ogongo who led the residents to the police headquarters demanded that the prison warders involved in the shootings be brought to book immediately.
“we are not going to tolerate them anymore, they, must leave,” said mr ogongo.
after shooting the girl, the warders then engaged the protesting students and teachers in running battles as they fired more shots in the air.
they later re-arrested the naked prisoner and took him back to custody.
ombo hospital was filled with residents seeking to know the fate of the girl although the hospital authorities denied them entry into the theatre room.
some girls broke down in tears, forcing some hospital workers to comfort them.
the girl has now been referred to kisii level five hospital for specialized treatment.

shot protesters
the incident comes barely four days after prison warders shot five protesters during anti-iebc demos on monday.
police say the victims, all boda boda operators, had attempted to block a prison’s lorry that was ferrying inmates to the law courts.
“it was at this juncture that prison officers pulled out their guns and fired at the victims some of whom were behaving in a manner likely to suggest that the wanted to free the prisoners,” said mr kirui on monday. there lorry had some 50 prisoners on board.
the men were shot at the junction leading to the county headquarters, off the migori-kisii highway.
the shooting sparked off fresh protests in the town. they later engaged the police in running battles within the streets of the border town.
the riders however discounted the police version of the story.
“the victims were standing next to their motorbikes several metres away from the lorry. none of them attempted to obstruct the vehicle. they were only chanting anti iebc slogans,” said mr tom ogola, an eye witness.

Source: Daily Nation

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