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Saturday, July 1, 2017


Whether you accept this or not, a relationship will either be successful or unsuccessful. And when it’s unsuccessful, it’ll bring about pains, heartbreak and will take so much from you. Though it’s important to say that a failed relationship will teach you so many lessons, but if you keep going from one failed relationship to another failed relationship, then it means you aren’t learning your lessons.

These are some mistakes single people should stop making:
1. Stop going for the same kind of people; that’s the major reason why you keep getting heartbroken and having so many failed relationships. Dating the same kind of people will give you the same kind of results.
2. Stop jumping into relationships, else you might jump out of it. Why don’t you try a different approach: Start with friendship, and at the friendship stage, judge the character and do a lot of studying and assessing before taking it forward.
3. Don’t be carried away by looks, wealth and other external factors. What lies inside is the true character of the person; it’s what lies within that’ll determine the success or failure of your relationship.
4. Never stop working on yourself. If your relationships keep failing, it’s time to look within and ask yourself “what’s wrong?” We all have flaws to work on and if those flaws aren’t worked on, the relationship will suffer. The mistake many single persons make is believing they are perfect and then enter a relationship or even marriage with all their flaws and baggage. Assess yourself, judge your character, pick out your flaws, work on it and be the best you can be.
5. Never make the mistake of going back to an ex because you miss past memories or fantasies. It’s most likely going to fail again.
6. Don’t be quick to say yes and don’t be quick to say no. Sometimes, the devil might look like the angel and the angel might look like the devil.
7. Don’t build a relationship solely based on physical attraction and appeal; they are deceitful.
8. You cannot create a functional relationship with someone who isn’t looking for commitment. If you want a committed relationship, then look for a partner that’ll be committed. Don’t choose a nonchalant partner and expect commitment; you’d only get heartbroken. Never get carried away.
9. Never make the mistake of jumping into a relationship because you feel age isn’t on your side; if the relationship isn’t right then it isn’t right.
10. Never make the mistake of feeling you aren’t good enough, or no one will love or you aren’t attractive or beautiful. Never let your mind play tricks on you; you are who you say you are.

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