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Saturday, April 22, 2017

President Uhuru Kenyatta finally responds to the aborted Jubilee Party nominations (Full Details)

President Uhuru Kenyatta held a press conference at State House grounds on Saturday , April 22, to address the shambolic nominations witnessed in his Jubilee Party.

According to Uhuru, the party was not unprepared as claimed by aspirants and the opposition, but they were under-prepared as their primaries mimicked a General Election.

“We did not take into account the unprecedented turn out witnessed in yesterday’s ( Friday, April 21) nominations across the country. We expected a party primaries turn out and instead, we got a turn out similar to a General Election’s”said Uhuru.

He further explained that in virtually all counties in the first phase of the nominations had a 70%-80% turn out when they had expected a 25%-30% turn out.
It was for this reason that there was inadequate supply of ballot papers in counties where the process was cancelled before a country wide nomination cancellation was announced later in the day.

“We wanted to hold a free, fair, credible and transparent nomination process. Anything contrary would have subverted the democratic rights of the people. The nomination must reflect the will of the people,”added Uhuru.
He further expressed confidence in his Secretary General Raphael Tuju as well as the party’s National Elections Board to carry out the process that is scheduled to be repeated.

“I don’t blame our people. In fact, I am proud to be the leader of a party with this kind of turn out we got in virtually every county. We thank our supporters and we urge them and aspirants to keep the faith in us because Jubilee will deliver on all its promises to them,”continued Uhuru.

The party has over 8 million registered supporters who expected to vote for an estimated 8,000 aspirants. However, one after the other, nominations were cancelled in 17 counties before the country wide cancellation was announced.
He also made sure to castigate the opposition for poking their noses in his party’s nomination business when they should be keeping an eye on their own.
Tuju is expected to later release the dates for the repeat nominations later in the day that will be in accordance with the timelines of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

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