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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

NASA finally unveils the legalities to be followed in selecting its presidential candidate. We have the Details...

The Opposition has laid out an elaborate plan and conditions under which it will name its presidential candidate ahead of the August 8 elections.

The issue of who among the NASA quartet of Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula will be the flag bearer has resulted into hot debate which has almost broken the coalition.
Each of them especially Raila and Kalonzo have insisted they are best placed to compete with Jubilee party’s Uhuru Kenyatta in the upcoming polls with Kalonzo’s supporters insisting he must be given the ticket lest they bolt out of NASA.

But amidst the wrangles, a committee tasked with deciding who is the most suitable to be the torch bearer among the four is on the verge of making up its mind, a report by the Star shows.
But each of the potential candidate must pass a tough litmus test so as to stand a chance to get the mantle.

Each must say how many voters they have in their strongholds and the three among the four with the highest numbers will proceed to the next step.
Mombasa, Kakamega, Busia, Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay, Kilifi, Kitui, Kwale, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Machakos, Kisii, Nyamira, Makueni, Kakamega and Vihiga among others are considered the major NASA strongholds that each of the leaders lays a claim to.

The top three will then convince the technical committee that they can get enough votes in areas considered to be battlegrounds and where Jubilee is claiming a stake too.
The top two leaders who can get the votes of Nairobi, Kilifi, Tana River, Nakuru and Trans Nzoia the major battlegrounds into the NASA basket will be picked to go to the next stage.

The final step will now involve getting one of them who can get at least 30 % of votes from the Jiubilee strongholds of Mt Kenya and Rift Valley but who will also be accepted by the rest of the flag bearers.
The flag bearer is likely to be unveiled end of April to beat the IEBC deadline of May 10.

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