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Thursday, March 30, 2017

“I am ready to join NASA.” Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko reveals

Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko confesses intentions to join NASA Alliance and ditch Jubilee Party ahead of the August 8 polls.

Speaking at Radio Maisha, the Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant said that he will gladly take up a chance to vie for governor through a NASA ticket on condition that Governor Evans Kidero is not in the ballot.
Sonko said should ODM consider him over Kidero, he will be willing to work with the opposition.

“Kama NASA watapatia Kidero uwaziri katika serikali yao na wanipatie gavana na Jubilee nikatazwe nitaichukua asuguhi sana (If NASA gives Kidero a CS job in their government and consider me for governor after Jubilee have rejected me, I will take it pretty fast),” Sonko told the radio station.

Sonko said he NASA is a political outfit like any other and will not mind taking up the position on condition that Kidero is not in the mix.
He said he is also ready to become Nairobi governor through any other party that matches his manifesto and plans for Nairobi.

“Mimi nitakuwa kwa ballot kupitia chama chochote kile ambacho kitakuwa na sera kama zangu za kujali maslahi ya wananchi (I will be on the ballot through any party that has same vision as mine of taking care of the welfare of the people),” he added.

Sonko vowed not to vie as an independent candidate as that will split votes between him and Kidero and give Peter Kenneth a chance to win the governorship seat.

Kenneth is fighting for the Jubilee ticket with Sonko but the senator believes a section of leaders in the party is determined to ensure he fails.

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