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Saturday, January 21, 2017

You Should Read These First Date Mistakes That Will Instantly Ruin Your Chances,

A first date is any type of initial meeting between two individuals, whether or not previously acquainted, where an effort is made to ask, plan, and organize some sort of social activity.  Our first date survival guide is designed to help to put you at ease before and during your date, so you can rest assured it will be enjoyable,  Find Out  These First Date Mistakes That Will Instantly Ruin Your Chances.
1. Dominating The Conversation
Try to be an inviting, polite conversationalist on first dates, and at all other times. If you’re rambling without pausing for a breath, talking only about yourself or interrupting your date whenever she’s speaking, you’re going to have her running for the hills. Be sure to ask her questions and allow her space to voice her own views, too.

2. Appearing Cheap
Nobody wants to date a person who’s chronically tight with money, so make sure you are coming across as relaxed on this front. Gone are the days where men are automatically assumed to be footing the whole bill, so if you’d prefer to split it, that’s okay. (So is paying for the whole meal, if you’d like to!) But if you’re pulling out your pen, paper and calculator and divvying up every last drink and side? Chill: you’re giving off very bad signals.

3. Being Late
If you’re going to be any more than 5-10 minutes late, text your date to let them know. If you’re going to be more than 15 minutes late, even if you’ve let her know, you’re being rude, and you’re blowing it. Make an effort to be on time to show her that her time is important to you.
4. Dropping The Ball On The Venue
It’s not a great idea to go to a movie, as a stand-alone activity, on the first date. Why not? Because you won’t have a chance to talk to each other or get to know the other person. It’s okay to see a movie before or after a drink or dinner, but don’t make it the only thing you’re doing, at least not until the third or fourth date.
Similarly, if you’re eating out, don’t choose a chaotically busy and loud restaurant, or somewhere where you’ll both end up with food poisoning. Make sure your venue is ambient, pleasant and non-distracting. (Or you could play it safe and go out for drinks.)

5. Coming On Too Strongly
You might be hoping to get some action on your date, but you'll blow it if you come on too strongly and try to force a hook up before it occurs naturally. If you find yourself pleading or begging to be let into her apartment or for her to come back to yours, you’ve gone way too far down the desperation trail, unfortunately. Rein it in — if she's into you, you'll get your shot on a subsequent date.

6. Talking About Your Ex
Talking about your ex — whether it’s to rant about how “crazy” she is, or to pine about how perfect she was — is a bad look. Why? Because whether you’re speaking positively or negatively about her, it gives the impression you aren’t over her yet.
It’s natural to veer on topics like how long your last relationship was, but don’t take it as an excuse to wax lyrical about everything that was wrong with her, or everything you miss about her. You’ll only bore your date and signal that you’re not ready for something new yet.

7. Treating Service Staff Badly
Women widely report the poor treatment of service staff as a turn off. It’s an early indication of how you might treat her, and it also reveals key aspects of your personality, like how quick you are to anger and how entitled you might be about getting your own way. Failing to tip appropriately is also a certain faux pas: It makes you come across and tight and unappreciative, so make sure you tip fairly and generously.

8. Poor Phone Etiquette
It’s fine to take an important call during a date if something that you absolutely need to deal with comes up, but you shouldn’t be glued to your phone all night and you should apologize if you do need to bring out your phone (“Sorry, I have to take this one! Be back ASAP!”) This shows that your focus is on your date and avoids giving her the impression she’s boring you or wasting your time.

9. Having Bad Breath Or Body Odor
Basic cleanliness and hygiene is important, and it’s one of the quickest ways for an otherwise good date to go downhill. Make sure you have clean, short nails, you’re wearing deodorant and you’ve brushed your teeth. They might sound like basic things, and they are, but they’re still disappointingly common first date faux pas.

10. Not Caring How Your Date Gets Home
However your date goes, basic decency dictates that you should take steps to ensure that your date gets home safely. Escorting her to her car or door (without pressure to come inside) is a nice gesture, as is asking her to confirm she gets home safely. Even if you won’t be seeing your date again or you’ve been rebuffed, that’s no reason to act like she’s suddenly dead to you. Do the kind thing and make sure she arrives home in one piece.

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