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Thursday, May 5, 2016


SCRIPTURE: Mark 2; 1-5
 And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. Immediately[a] many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached the word to them. Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
The man with palsy had to get to Jesus for healing but the problem was that he was incapacitated. How will he reach his breakthrough? He needed destiny helpers. And the bible said that some men came and carried him to the destination of his miracle.
There are people that God has positioned this year to carry you to your miracle. People that God has ordained to help and assist you this year. You will find them in Jesus name
Revelation from Mark 2:1-5
For you to attract your destiny helpers this year, consider the following:
1.       Who is in your house? Verse 1
The Bible said that Jesus came to Capernaum after some days and it was noised that Jesus was in the house.
 -Who occupies your house this year determines if you are going to attract your destiny helpers.
 - The question is who occupies you house? Is it anger, fornication and adultery, stealing, lies or is it Jesus Christ?
2. Fellowship with Jesus is a hallmark for favor Verse 2.
 - The people did not only hear about Jesus being in the house, they sought to fellowship with him. A lot of people just blab about knowing Jesus. The question is do you have a relationship with him? If you must attract your destiny helpers this year, you must have a relationship with Him.


3. Don’t despise the human factor.  Verse 3
 - You observed that it was the man’s friends or probably relatives that carried him to Jesus.
 -I discovered that when God wants to bless a man, He uses a man and when the devil wants to          undo a man, he uses a man. Man is always the common factor.
 - A lot of people have despised and terminated God-given relationships that would have opened doors for them into their destinies; thereby missing their destiny helpers.
4. Faith and desperation: Verse 4
 - This is another very important factor if your must attract your destiny helpers.
 - Your faith in God this year must be dogged.
 - These men met the house full with no way to access Jesus. They tore the roof open
 -This is what I call dogged faith.
5. You must mix your faith with action; Verse 4
  - Listen brother, your faith must be standing and not seating down.
  -A lot of Christians say, “I have faith” without doing anything about their faith.
  -The Bible said there was a press because of the crowd.
  - There will definitely be a press but are you ready to go against all odds?
  -These men couldn’t access Jesus with this sick man but did not take no for an answer.
  - You don’t try a venture once and quit.
6. You must carry out his instruction. Verse 11
  -Every miracle is tied to an instruction
7. You must stay out of sin.  Verse 5
- Jesus told the sick man your sins are forgiven, that means his sin had a connection with his sickness
-Jesus had to address his sins first before his infirmity.

1.        Anointing to attract my destiny helpers fall on me now in Jesus name.
2.       Lord anything in me that will repel my destiny helpers this year, die in Jesus name.
3.       Lord visit me this year by fire in Jesus 
4.   This year must be better than last year in Jesus name
5.   Father I will not labour and another reap the fruit of my labour
6.    I must eat the fruit of my labour this year in Jesus name.
7.    Every delay this year I bind you in Jesus name

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