Search This Blog

Friday, May 20, 2016


Psalm 139: 23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting.
This scriptures have been inspiring me for long.  It’s been a personal prayer of mine for years.  This verse outlines four simple steps to welcome God into our heart every day.
(1)   Search me and know my heart  
God is gentle.  He is always there for us.  He stands at the door of our hearts and waits to be invited.  Once He enters, He remains patient with us.  Waiting for us to partner with Him.  When we ask God to search and know our heart, we are asking Him to shine His holy light on every part of our heart.  This is a very vulnerable position to be in.  We can trust God.  As He searches our heart he is bound to find a few things that need attention.  God will never uncover something to embarrass us, He only uncovers to heal. 
(2)   What is stressing me out?   
Stress is something that every human being must learn how to cope with.  God is the very best stress reliever I know.  Trying to handle all of the concerns of life on our own often times just brings more stress!  Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.  Facing it and giving God a chance to help always works!  His peace surpasses our understanding.  When we let God touch the anxious areas of our heart, he replaces it with peace and confidence.  It is always amazing to me how much peace God can give me about situations even when the circumstances have not changed yet.
(3)   Any Offensive Way in Me? 
The answer to this question is… YES!  We are all sinners.  We all fall short of the glory of God.  So, when God shows up to turn His holy spot light on our hearts, He is going to find something.  You can count on it.  But again remember, God never exposes something to bring shame or embarrassment… only to heal.  Sin, left alone in our heart will only grow to bigger sin.  The more sin in our life, the more chaos and craziness there will be.  It’s best to let God deal with it every day, when it’s small rather than to let grow out of control, wreck our life and then decide to come to God for help.  Dealing with our sin a little at a time keeps things in balance and keeps us on the path God has for us.
(4)   Lead me   
After we have given God free rein in our heart, over our anxious minds and over our sin; then we can see more clearly the direction He has for our life.  God has amazing plans for each one of us.  He doesn’t want to keep them a secret.  He wants to partner with us to make them all a reality.  God’s plans are never temporary.  God is eternal and everlasting and so are the plans He has for our life.  Tap into the everlasting plans God has for your life today.  Start with the simple little prayer, “Search me O God…”

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