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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Steps to become a believer.

Becoming a believer can take place anywhere. Going through the steps below will require praying to God so you may want a quiet place where you would not be interrupted. Prayer is simply talking to God. There is no special language and there are no special words. God sees you and knows what you are thinking in your heart. So, as long as this is a genuine point in your life He will most assuredly hear what you say.
These are simple steps to becoming a believer

a. Confess you are a sinner. This is an important part of recognizing our and God's relationship. God will forgive us our sins if we recognize that we are a sinner and willing to confess that to him. Confessing can be as simple as saying, "Lord, I am a sinner."

b. Ask for forgiveness for our sins.
 Again no special words but you could say something like, "Lord, I ask that you forgive me of my sins."

c. Ask Jesus to come into your life and be your savior. It's like opening a door and asking Jesus to come in and be your savior. In your prayer you might say something like, "Jesus, I want you to come into my life and be my savior. I want to go to heaven, and I trust you and place my faith in you."

d. When you talk to God you are praying. Here is a prayer asking Jesus to come into your life.

Lord, I confess to you I am a sinner. I know that sin separates me from you. I now ask you to forgive my sins. I know that Jesus died for me on the cross and will take my sin away if I believe in him. Jesus I do believe in you. I ask you to come into my life (heart) and give me eternal life. Thank you so much for forgiving me and giving me eternal life. Amen

After you genuinely say this prayer your salvation has become a fact. You are a believer and have been given eternal life by God's grace. You may feel emotion or you may not. Either way is perfectly normal. We trust God by our faith not by our feelings.

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