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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

CORD Issues Warning To IEBC Over Okoa Kenya Drive

The opposition leaders on Monday, March 21, accused the electoral body of working in tune with government’s wish to undermine a constitutional referendum that it is spearheading. .

Cord co-principals Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka said the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) intends to reject the Okoa Kenya initiative because the submitted signatures are “not enough”.

Addressing press at a Nairobi Hotel, Raila and Musyoka said the IEBC was doing its duties like a State agency and had ignored the constitutional requirements that gives it power to be independent- not falling to pressure from any quarter.
The leaders also said that this trend by the poll body might affect the 2017 Elections.

According to statement read by Musyoka, CORD is accusing IEBC of with the government to stop the referendum campaigns being spearheaded by the Okoa Kenya Movement.

“Kenyans are marching on sadder but wiser after the fraud imposed on them by the most incompetent, most corrupt and most confused leadership in our history ,” Kalonzo said.

Accompanied by several CORD law makers, they said they will bring to an end what they term “governance by fraud and subversion.

“Never again shall we allow the will of the people to be subverted and stolen either by the IEBC or the Jubilee leadership. We shall use all constitutional, parliamentary and extra parliamentary means to stop the IEBC from corrupting the desire of the people of Kenya ,” Cord said.

Raila and Kalonzo added that IEBC was under immense pressure from some quarters thus failing to offer its duties well regarding the referendum project.

Kalonzo said that Majority Leader Aden Duale and nominated MP Johnson Sakaja have made dishonest remarks that may influence the IEBC’s reaction to the Okoa Kenya referendum initiative.

The former vice president also claimed that IEBC is now addressing Opposition through Jubilee leaders after CORD leaders’ desire to see the commission chairman failed last week.

Odinga dismissed allegations that the signatures were not genuine and asked IEBC to clarify the matter to Kenyans urgently.

In a quick rejoinder, Sakaja challenged the opposition to affirm the signatures are genuine.

“We demand that the IEBC do publish to the public the names and signatures presented to them by CORD for the people themselves to verify if indeed they appended their signatures in support of the referendum drive or if these signatures were procured fraudulentl y,” Sakaja said.

Some leaders have expressed concern over CORD’s call for a referendum saying that its timing is poor and it could lead to violence if not properly managed.

The Okoa Kenya Movement drive is being driven by Opposition with the aim of amending the constitution by inserting clauses aimed at strengthening devolution among other areas.

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