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Sunday, March 27, 2016

7 Wrong Money Beliefs to Eliminate from Your Mind

Many people have wrong money beliefs that slowly destroy their budgets. We make money mistakes without realizing the harsh consequences that come along with it. No matter how much money you earn, it’s never enough. My rich friends always complain about money, and it’s actually ridiculous. We don’t need a lot of money to be happy; it’s the main rule to follow in life. Here are seven wrong money beliefs that you should eliminate from your mind and life today.
1. I will never improve my finances
Yes, you will never improve your finances if you continue moaning about it every minute. Positivity breeds positive actions and positive results. Think of all possible ways to increase your income, choose the best one and use it to move your finances forward. Maybe you need to change your job, break bad habits and party less. Reduce your expenses and make smart purchases. You can save hundreds of dollars each month just by budgeting your money properly. Stay positive and believe in yourself.
2. I can’t build my savings account
One of my best friends who have a higher paycheck than I have always complain that she can’t build her savings account because she can’t afford it. But she can afford to buy plenty of expensive things that she doesn’t need at all. I don’t judge her, but when she asked me how to save money and I shared my secret with her, she told me that saving is not as difficult as she thought. Regardless of your income, you cab build your savings account. If you can’t deposit $100-$300 a month, consider depositing $50 a month. Even $10-20 a month will be enough to grow your savings account balance.
3. I will never become rich
I don’t like the word ‘never’ and I don’t like when people say that they will never do anything. If you believe that you will never become rich, no wonder you are not rich. But I wonder why so many people want to be rich and what they do to reach their financial goals. First of all, they waste their lives. The only goal they set is to earn money and nothing more. Remember, you can earn enough money to live a happy life, but don’t aim to make as much money as possible, because you will never achieve this goal.
4. I will never pay off my debts
It’s easy to run into debt, but it’s so hard to settle it. However, don’t say that you will never pay off your debts. When you manage your money properly, it’s possible to pay more than your minimum, which will help you get out of a debt in a year. Don’t allow your debts control your mind and your life, you are strong enough to control your debts.
5. I’m the only one who has financial setbacks
Believe it or not, but you are not the only one who has financial problems. Life is full of problems, including financial ones. Most of us have to deal with those problems each day and there’s nothing wrong with that. Stay positive, think clearly and you will be able to cope with any financial setback.
6. It’s too early to save for retirement
In fact, it’s never too early to start saving for retirement. The earlier you start, the better. If you are in your early 20s and you already have a full-time job, it’s time to think about a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account.
7. It’s too late to improve my finances
Actually, it’s never too late. My grandma started improving her finances in her late 50s and she managed to do it. She always says that if a person wants to do something they don’t look for excuses, they start doing it no matter their age. Whether you want to pay off a debt, improve your credit score or save some cash, just do it. Regardless of age, we all make financial mistakes and it’s never too late to change the situation and get back on track.
Eliminate these money beliefs from your mind and life to change your financial situation and have a sustainable future. 

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