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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sonko rigged the nominations, Kenneth is calling for repeat exercise.

Nairobi governor aspirant Peter Kenneth has rejected the outcome of the Jubilee Party gubernatorial nomination held on Wednesday claiming that the poll was a sham and is now demanding a repeat.

In a statement issued at midnight, Kenneth complained that the voting process was rigged in Sonko’s favour with voters not being checked against the Jubilee Party register as directed by the National Elections Board.
He also claims that voters were transported from neighboring counties to vote in Nairobi besides non-Jubilee Party members being allowed to participate in the primaries. “Even after the Jubilee Party headquarters issued a statement to rely on the Jubilee register instead of the National ID, many constituencies did not have the register and continued allowing voting by ID,” he said.
“Additionally, when the register was introduced halfway through voting, many voters who were registered party members had their names missing in areas where the registers were available,” he stated.
“There were also cases of massive numbers of voters imported from Kajiado and Machakos counties who were transported to vote throughout the county as only a National ID was required.”
He also alleged massive cases of bribery by some of the candidates outside the polling stations.
“The trend in various polling stations within the county indicates that there was a scheme to transport a particular organised group to vote in various polling stations within a constituency as well as in several other constituencies,” he stated.

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