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Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Break ups are tough and it doesn’t matter who left who. The next few days after a separation are bound to be very stressful.  The person you use to tell everything and whom who promised each other eternity suddenly doesn’t want to pick your calls or you’re too proud to initiate communication so you just sit and wait for them to initiate contact. During this period you may find yourself doing stuff that may aggravate the situation. Here is what you must never do to ensure you move on.

  1. Don’t beg for another chanceOkay you miss your ex but don’t just go over to him/her begging for fresh start it will just add the misery especially if you’re reject. “However if you must go back examine your motivation,” advises jonathan alpert author of Be Fearless: change your life in 28 days. “Do you miss your ex or are you just feeling lonely?” He adds 
  2. Avoid making contact If your ex is a next door neighbor or colleague at work then this will be. Otherwise you should avoid  all contact. Delete his/her number and unfollow them on social media. Do not drunk text as this will only end up as a big embarrassment on your part.  Target to go at least 21 days without contacting your ex. The three weeks will turn into months and by then you’ll be feeling much better.
  3. Don’t date a new person or call another ex Loneliness may make you vulnerable to start seeing someone else especially when you see them with some new, resist. “After a painful breakup being single for a while is the best way to ensure your next relationship is not impulsive messy, and doomed to fail,” says April Masini a relationship and etiquette expert . As much as you crave for some emotional connection don’t call another ex either. They are called ‘exes’ for a reason. You two just weren’t meant to be. She continues to advice that taking time to process and analyzing what happened is the best thing to do so as to know what happened and what you need to do differently.
  4. Don’t bad mouth your ex or seek revenge. Zip it when it comes trash talking about your ex because it won’t do you any favors. Even though you’re hurting make all effort to be the bigger person. Masini that “trash talk reflects on you more than the ex it drags you down the mud when what you should be doing is raising above.” You can confide in a close friend or relative, but avoid spreading rumors or burning his favorite shirt that he may have left behind.
  5. Embrace some ‘me’ time becoming a better and treating yourself good is the best way to get back at your ex. developing  a new hobby, taking that trip you’ve always wanted or losing the excess weight will make you feel better about yourself and even forget about your misery finally  you’ll get that smile that you had lost.
  6. Always pick  the lessons. If you learn from the relationship, then it’s not a complete waste of time.  Ask yourself what was your contribution to the break up or what you could have done to make things better. this is the most important part as it will help you become a better person.

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