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Thursday, July 7, 2016

14 Things Women Do That Turn Men Off

1. Not being honest. 
This seems pretty basic. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship and if you don’t have that, you don’t have anything.
2. Excessive self-centeredness.
 It’s good to love yourself, but maybe try to refrain from making out with yourself in the mirror every morning.
3. Pretending to be dumb to get attention. 
You’re not stupid, so don’t play.

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4. Pretending to be clumsy. 
I guess not every dude wants to date a tipsy Zooey Deschanel. (Although, I will say, getting drunk with Zooey Deschanel is probably super fun. You can paint your nails 10 different pastel colors and you know she can do a mean braid.)
5. Being on your cell phone all the time. 
Someone else added, “In the same vein, actually caring about Snapchat or Instagram enough that it impedes real life.” Well, then, I guess I’ll never get a man, OH WELL. (J/K I’m married and my husband doesn’t give a shit.)
6. Trying to get him to act jealous. 
That said, I read a relationship advice book once that said it’s imperative to make a guy a little jealous so he’ll put a ring on it.
7. Playing hard to get.
I guess wanting a guy to work for it is a no-no? Although, honestly, if he isn’t willing to try a little, was it ever even worth it?

8. Lying about your wants. 
If you know where you want to eat, don’t tell him to decide and then pout when it’s not what you want. Just say you want Chipotle. You always want Chipotle. (Don’t worry, he does too.)
9. Narrow-mindedness. Seems fair
Judge not, lest you be judged, love everyone, just be chill, etc.
10. But also, being too open-minded. 
What can I say? Guys are complicated, emotional creatures. They don’t know what they want.

ALSO READ: 10 ways your partner is unfaithful to you
11. Helplessness. 
Men like women who can get shit done.
12. Treating your social media accounts like it’s your job. 
Although, to be fair, sometimes it is your job. And in that case, you really should treat it as so because being fired is not the greatest. If not, I guess you can close Instagram every once in awhile. If you want.
13. Not complimenting them. 
Sometimes dudes need to be told their butt doesn’t look big in those jeans. Toss a boy a compliment every once in a while.
14. Not being real. 
Don’t play games. Just be yourself and find a dude who likes you the way you are (and vice versa). Now that’s good advice.

ALSO READ: 8-ways-strengthen-your-relationship

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