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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Have A Look At The Response Of Bob Collymore's Wife To Kenyans Who Term Her As A Gold Digger

Immediately the online space got wind of Wambui Kamiru’s wedding to Safaricom’s CEO Bob Collymore- everything went ablaze. From rumors of her past to the now discussion on tabloids and radios, her ethnicity. Ms Kamiru is Kikuyu, by ethnicity.

Bob Collymore’s wife was branded a ‘gold-digger’ on the premise that she belongs to a tribe of money lovers. Questions were hurled left right and center on how a seemingly simple woman,with dreadlocks on her head got the love of one of Kenya’s richest CEO’s. It was assumed that she was a conniving, planner who was in the whole arrangement for money .

On a post written on her blog on Tuesday, April 5, Ms Kamiru addressed the rumors and the stereotypes which began after she walked down the aisle with her Guyanian lover of three years, Collymore.

The letter was written in form of a diary for her children to read when they came of age, in her article, she addressed the questions asked about her life, her skin color, her love for her husband and most importantly, the elephant in the room. Her ethnicity.

“In your exploration of who your mother is, you have come across some things that are true and some things that are not. The internet does not forget and one day one of your classmates will say something about something they read on the internet. When you next see me, please don’t be afraid to ask me about these things.

Probably, a key moment you will read about, will be when your mother married a man that she loves and respects. There was celebration, lots of people who knew us wished us well. And some who didn’t even know us, also wished us well. There were jokes and we laughed at them.

My marriage to the man that I love and respect had some interesting effects on the conversations on Twitter and Facebook (these may be obsolete by the time you are reading this). However, for a few days there, lots of Kenyans talked about “tribalism” and some admitted their desire to leave and go to another country because of how unbearable it can sometimes be to live in a society where people first judge you by your “tribal” origin. A lot of people refused to be part of the conversation, arguing that it should no longer matter. These people are the reason why we will still have a country to call home.

In the conversations, people also talked about whether I was a gold-digger and if at all I had become more successful after I married this man that I love and respect. To you my daughters, your husband is not your value. If you make him your value, then you make yourself of less value.

Safaricom CEO got married to his lover of three years at a simple private wedding in Nairobi’s Kitisuru. It was a wedding graced by Kenya’s top CEO’s, friends and family.

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